Consider if your are new to Open Source contribution.


2 min readJan 6, 2021

This small article for awareness and efficiency for open source contributors.

Now a days open source projects takes main role. We are contributing open source projects and building existing projects in github.

The important thing is our privacy, yeah we are giving some private API keys, some direct database links or other credential details so we should consider those before to push on github.

In my experience I added my credential details directly to the code file but I refer some docs and got idea then I create other file and I put my credential text(like .env file) in that file and I used only normal String to call that text like process.env.SOMETEXT in NodeJS so in main file anyone can't see after my works done I will pushed it on github and I ignored that confidential file using git ignore.

Not only credential but also unnecessary files also we can ignore. So we can work in this open source world safely and efficient manner.

Sometimes you work with many technologies so in some technology you don't know what common files should be ignore, yeah here is the solution that is In this site you can input your technology and it give a ignore codes behalf of you. Other important credential things is depends on you.

Important thing is if you a contributing open source project newly you have to clearly mention the step to initiate your project in Github Readme file.

Thank You.




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