Interesting Facts About STEVE JOBS

3 min readJun 9, 2020


Steven Paul Jobs

This is a small article about Steve Jobs. Which contains Some Amazing facts about this legend.

Facts :

#0: Steve Jobs didn’t write single line of code in his whole life.

#1: Steve Jobs used to withdraw just US$1 as his annual salary from Apple’s account as CEO.

#2: Steve Jobs is buried in an unmarked grave.

#3: When Apple began designating employee numbers, Steve Jobs was offended that Woznaik received #1 while he got #2. He believed
he should be second to no one, so he took #0 instead.

#4: Steve Jobs once called Google to tell them the yellow gradient in the second “o” of their logo wasn’t quite right.

#5: Steve Jobs was awarded 141 new patents since his death.

#6: Every Apple iPhone as displays the time as 9:41 AM, the time Steve Jobs unveiled it in 2007.

#7: A secretary once told Steve Jobs she was late for work because her car wouldn’t start.That afternoon, Jobs threw her a set of
key for a brand new Jaguar, saying: “here, don’t be late anymore.”

#8: Abraham Lincoln, Walt Disney, Bill Gates , Mark Zuckerberg ,Hendry Ford,Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs, all of them had no college degree.

And Last which is my favourite,

#9: When the first prototype of Apple’s iPod was shown to Steve Jobs, he dropped it in an aquarium and used the air bubbles
to prove there was empty space and it could be made smaller.

Some more facts we can find on internet but these are some special facts in point of my view.

And I like to share some sentences delivered by This legend those are motivate and give some ideas to us. Those are,

“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.”

“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.”

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

If you are only a Programmer/Employee you can’t become a Successful person and you supposed to do the same work. But if you improved your knowledge in Some important sections like Marketing , Financial Accounting and Leadership so you can shine and will become a successful person.

”Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”

Thank You.

reference: Britannica , YouTube & some other resources.




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